Senin, 22 Juli 2013

Birth of Certificate

 No. 112233445 /1991.-

From GENERAL Register of Civil Registration for Indonesia Citizen about births pursuant to the State Gazatte in Jakarta, that in Jakarta on date thirty firsth of March nineteen ninety one was born : WINDY FAUZIAH daughter of married couple : DJAED and NISWATI

This expert conforms to the condition on this day
 Jakarta, dated sixth of April
 Nineteen ninety one
 Head of Civil Registration Office
 Fery Mulyawan




Selasa, 16 April 2013

1. Penerjemahan dokumen sebagai teks khusus.
  • Penerjemahan teks khusus menangani teks yang diproduksi untuk keperluan khusus.
  • Penerjemahan teks khusus memerlukan pengetahuan tentang bidang di samping peristilahan.
2. Penerjemahan dokumen negara ke bahasa Inggris
  • Banyak istilah keuangan—dan ekonomi pada umumnya—yang berasal dari bahasa Inggris.
  • Kemudahan: memudahkan penerjemahan dokumen dari bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris jika penerjemah menguasai laras bahasa keuangan.
  • Secara teoretis, porsi istilah dalam teks khusus hanya 10 persen, selebihnya kata
  • Prasyarat: penerjemah dokumen harus menguasai kemahiran menulis dalam bahasa Inggris
 Cara Menerjemahkan Dokumen Khusus:
1. Mengenal dulu universitas tempat belajar dulu.
2. Menyertakan fotokopi ijazah kemudian menulis surat yang berisi alasan kenapa ijazah ini diterjemahkan dan yang terakhir membayar biaya terjemahan ke kantor pusat tata usaha.  Kemudian tunggu sekitar 2 mingguan, terjemahan siap dipakai.

source :
YEARS : 2008/2009

The undersigned, the head master of Senior High School Harapan Ibu Kebayoran Lama Jakarta Selatan explains that :
name                           :
city, date of birth          :
parents name               :
previous school            :
serial register number   :
serial number               :


from the education units based on the results of national examination and school examination and has met the criteria in accordance with statutory regulations.

Jakarta, April 16th 2009
School Principle


Jackie Chen,   SPd.
Official Serial Number

Minggu, 31 Maret 2013

Characteristics of Schools Implementing Active Learning

Active learning is a learning concept which is deemed in accordance with the demands of advanced learning. Therefore, each school should be able to implement and develop active learning as well as possible. With reference to the idea of ​​the Curriculum Research and Development Centre Ministry of Education (2010), here are some indicators or characteristics of schools that implement active learning process in terms of aspects: (a) the expectations of the school, creativity, and innovation, (b) human resources (c) the environment, facilities and learning resources, and (d) the teaching-learning process and assessment.A. EXPECTATIONS SCHOOL, CREATIVITY AND INNOVATIONAchievement of learners with more emphasis on "results" rather than "understand".School organized the event 'competition' that educates and healthy.Friendly school environment (eg no plants or trees, flower po, trash)Better yet, if there is a product / work of students who have artistic and economic value / capital for sale.It's better if there was an exhibition of students work within a certain time, such as once a year.The work of the students are more dominant than fixing various school attributes.School life feels more lively, cheerful, and carefree.School neat, clean, and orderly.School community mannered, disciplined and friendly.Open interest in school is increasing.Schools apply for special selection accept new students.There are forums channeling complaints learners.More democratic school climate.Organized competitions between classes on a regular basis and at the level of secondary education there is scientific writing competition learners.There is a program of visits to learning resources in the community.Learning activities on the syllabus and lesson plans emphasize active involvement of learners.Learners know and can explain about the school environment (eg, teacher's name, the name of the principal, and the common things in the school).There is a teacher training program (house training) regularly.There is a forum discussion or deliberation between the principal and the teachers and other education personnel regularly.There is a program brainstorming, discussion or consultation with partners from various interested parties (stakeholders).B. HUMAN RESOURCESPrincipals concerned and take the time to receive complaints and suggestions from the students and teachers.Principals opens in management, especially financial management to teachers and parents / school committees.Teachers act as facilitators in the learning process.Teachers familiar with the names of the students.Teachers open to students in terms of valuation.The attitude of friendly and smiling teachers to students, and there is no physical violence and verbal abuse to students.Teachers are always trying to find new ideas in managing and developing classroom learning activities.Teacher shows the attitude of compassion for students.Students do a lot of observation in the neighborhood and sometimes learning outside the classroom.Learners dare ask the teacher.Learners bold in expressing their opinions.Learners are not afraid to communicate with teachers.The students work together regardless of tribe, race, class, and religion.Learners are not afraid of the principal.Learners enjoy reading in the library and there are behaviors tend to scramble to read the book when it comes mobile library.More untapped potential of learners and learners' interests and talents more easily detected.Expression of students seemed pleased with the learning process.Learners often put forward the idea of ​​the learning process.Caution students not easily distracted to people / guests who come to school.C. ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITIES AND LEARNING RESOURCESLearning resources used in the school environment learners to learn.There is a bulletin board run learners are periodically replaced with a new work of learners.In the principal's office and teachers there are displays of student work.No props are stacked practices in the principal's office or other space to dust.The books are not stacked in the principal's office or in another room.Frequency of visits to the learners the school library to read / borrow the book is quite high.In every class there is a display of the work of the new students.There are a variety of learning tools.Used in a variety of learning resources.D. LEARNING-TEACHING AND ASSESSMENTAt some level integration approach is applied to learning lessons relevant antarmata.Looks antarguru no cooperation for the benefit of the learning process.In assessing the progress of the learning outcomes of teachers use a variety of ways according to the indicators of competence. When the demands of doing a performance indicator, which is assessed performance. When the demands of indicators related to the understanding of the concept, which is an assessment tool used in writing. When the load indicator demands probe elements, tasks (projects) that are assessed. When the demands of indicators to produce a 3-dimensional product, both the manufacturing process and quality, which is assessed is the manufacturing process or product.No public replicates together, both at the level of the school and the area, in the middle of the semester and / or the end of the semester, because the teacher concerned has identified conditions learners through diagnosis and remediation or enrichment was done based on the results of diagnostic conditions learners.Model report card provides space to express descriptively already mastered the competencies of learners and who have not, so as to know what is required of students.Teachers make an assessment as teaching and learning take place. This is done to find learning difficulties and possible achievement of learners can be developed as well as diagnostic tools to determine whether students need improvement or enrichment.Using a benchmark assessment criteria by which achievement-ability learners are not compared with the other students, but compared to the achievement of competence itself, before and after the study.Determination of mastery learning criteria submitted to the teacher to control the achievement of specific competencies of learners. Thus, as early as possible the teacher can identify the weaknesses and successes of participants in a particular competency.

Source : Pusat Kurikulum Balitbang Kemendiknas. 2010. Panduan Pengembangan Pendekatan Belajar Aktif; Buku I Bahan Pelatihan Penguatan Metodologi Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Nilai-Nilai Budaya dan Karakter Bangsa. Jakarta.

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013



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NAME                          :
CITY, DATE OF BIRTH           :
SEX                           : FEMALE
ADDRESS                       : PINANG EMAS 1
                      RT/RW   : 006/03
                    COUNTRY   : KEBAYORAN LAMA
                    REGENCY   : JAKARTA SELATAN
RELIGION                      : ISLAM
OCCUPATION                    : STUDENT
NATIONALITY                 :WNI                 EXPIRY                        : 



Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

komodo island and komodo national park

Komodo island and komodo national park

Komodo Island is an island located in the Nusa Tenggara islands. Komodo Island  is known as a habitat for native animals dragons. The island is also the Komodo National kawasanTaman managed by the Central Government. Komodo Island is located east of the island of Sumbawa, separated by Sape Strait.
Administratively, this island including the District of Komodo, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Komodo Island is the westernmost tip of East Nusa Tenggara Province, bordering the province of West Nusa Tenggara.
On the island of Komodo, dragons animals live and breed well. Until August 2009, on this island there are an estimated 1300 dragons tail. Coupled with the other islands, such as the island of Rinca and Gili and Motang, their number totaled about 2500 birds. There are approximately 100 individuals in the Nature Reserve komodo mainland Wae Wuul island in Flores but not including the Komodo National Park.
In addition to the Komodo dragon, the island also holds a variety of exotic flora sepangyang wood by local people used as a medicinal and dye clothing, tree or Sterculia oblongata nitak is believed to be useful as medicines and seeds are tasty and delicious like peas.
Komodo Island is also accepted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as in Komodo National Park area, along with the island of Rinca, Padar and Gili Island Motang.
History of komodo island
In 1910 the Dutch named the island in the southern province of East Nusa Tenggara is the nickname of the island of Komodo. This story begins with Lieutenant Steyn van Hens Broek, a Dutch army tried to prove statements about the existence of a large animal like a dragon on the island. Steyn then kill a dragon and bring documentation to the Museum and Botanical Garden in Bogor to be investigated.
In 2009, the Park has been named a finalist "New Seven Wonders of Nature" newly published in 2010 by online voting at on 11 November 2011, the New 7 Wonders has been announced as the winner, and National Parks Komodo into the ranks of the winners along with, Amazon Forest, Halong Bay, Iguazu Falls, Jeju Island, Puerto Princesa Underground River, and Table Mountain. the Komodo National Park to get the most votes
Park is a breeding insitu used to protect an endangered species. One example is the Komodo National Park. In the park there is a highly protected species from extinction. Komodo has long been a highly protected animals, is due to the few who still live on this earth. These animals exist only on the islands of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. While most of the island was inhabited by this animal is called the island of Komodo. Animal that resembles a large lizard was listed endangered animals with a population less than 4,000 birds. Then in 1980 has agreed to establish a conservation area in the form on the island of Komodo National Park and several other small islands around it.
Beginning of the history of the discovery of dragons originated from the documentation that are in the Zoological Museum Bogor conducted by the Dutch with a witch-hunt on the island of Komodo. Research results are then published in 1912. Not much later the news was quickly challenged Komodo spread throughout the world. They conducted a scientific expedition to conduct research on the island of Komodo. Here is the data from Loh Liang, Komodo history:
·         Komodo 1911 discovery by Van Steyn J.K.H
·         1912 Providing scientific name Varanus komodoensis by PA Owens
·         SK 1912. Sultan of Bima on the protection of Komodo
·         SK 1926. Komodo Manggarai local government protection
·         SK 1930. Komodo Flores resident protection
·         Komodo 1931 Listed on the absolutely protected wildlife in the wildlife protection laws
·         Wildlife Sanctuary Establishment 1938 P. Rinca and P.Padar
·         1965 Formation Wildlife Refuge P. Komodo
·         1980 Establishment of the Park
·         1991 Appointment as a world natural heritage by UNESCO
·         Komodo 1992 as a national wildlife Presidential Decree 4 of 1992
In 2000, the leadership of the Park plan approved by the Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation. The Nature Conservancy (TNC), private institutions are the biggest environmental community in the United States, and the merchants who came from Malaysia, Feisol Hashim, will master the Park for 25 years. They want to protect the local environment by the tourism that will be corrected.
Komodo National Park includes three major islands: Komodo, Rinca and Padar, as well as numerous smaller islands creating a total surface area (marine and land) of 1817km (proposed extensions would bring the total surface area up to 2,321km2). As well as being home to the Komodo dragon, the Park provides refuge for many other  notable terrestrial species such as the orange-footed scrub fowl, an endemic rat, and the Timor deer. Moreover, the Park includes one of the richest marine environments including coral reefs, mangroves, seagrass beds, seamounts, and semi-enclosed bays. These habitats harbor more than 1,000 species of fish, some 260 species of reef-building coral, and 70 species of sponges. Dugong, sharks, manta rays, at least 14 species of whales, dolphins, and sea turtles also make Komodo National Park their home.

Threats to terrestrial biodiversity include the increasing pressure on forest cover and water resources as the local human population has increased 800% over the past 60 years. In addition, the Timor deer population, the preferred prey source for the endangered Komodo dragon, is still being poached. Destructive fishing practices such as dynamite-, cyanide, and compressor fishing severely threaten the Park's marine resources by destroying both the habitat (coral reefs) and the resource itself (fish and invertebrate stocks). The present situation in the Park is characterized by reduced but continuing destructive fishing practices primarily by immigrant fishers, and high pressure on demersal stocks like lobsters, shellfish, groupers and napoleon wrasse. Pollution inputs, ranging from raw sewage to chemicals, are increasing and may pose a major threat in the future.